
Victoria Melody’s new show didn’t appeal to me, due to the subject matter, hair extensions.

The show started, or rather didn’t start, with her coming out and telling us the link between Hair Peace and her last show Major Tom (which sadly I didn’t see). This introduction was great as it gave the audience a bit of the person we would be watching for the next hour in a less formal setting. When the show started however it was still very informal, and I was shocked in the post-show discussion to hear that it was 80% scripted! It felt all off the cuff, she had a knack of making you feel at ease and like a friend from the outset.

I was also very impressed with the way she throws herself into her chosen subject, she spent time with people in the hair selling industry (Yeah I never really thought of it being a thing!).

I still don’t care for hair, but I was gripped by it and I think that was more her warmth and humour, that pulls you in, but there were some parts that unexpectedly I found quite emotional.

In the post-show discussion she spoke about her next project in which she will play a funeral director along side her Dad. She spoke about the sensitivity of the subject and how she, as she does, still intends to keep it comedic. This is the “problem” with my own show as the sensitivity of the subject and my own comedic ideas for the show could clash and fail!

What was funny about Hair Peace, was just Victoria herself, she was herself. And that is now what I will attempt to steal!