Grim_Render(Wikia, 2016)


thA24R24Y4 (Movie Reviews 4, 2009)

grim_reaper (John is a Movie Addict, 2007)

The Grim Reaper is seen as a supernatural presence lurking over us and waiting for our fate. What the Grim Reaper really is, is a personification of Death. Looking at the way movies and cartoons and paintings depict Death, there is a certain eeriness to him, and although my plan of showing the Reaper on stage as merely a mouth may seem eerie itself I aim to make the Reaper nothing more than a working man doing his job purely to pay the bills.

His name will be Roy and that is what I will refer to him as throughout the show.

The idea of Roy being a pair of bright red lips in the dark originally came from Samuel Beckett’s Not I, however my main point of reference when explaining it comes from The Rocky Horror Picture Show:

(Sarah Wallis, 2014)


Roy will be attempting to reassure me and my anxieties over death. Explaining that death is a natural as birth and shouldn’t necessarily be feared.


John is a Movie Addict (2007) Grim Reaper. USA: John is a Movie Addict. Available from [accessed 24 April 2016].

Movie Reviews 4 (2009) Lord Zedd’s Movies: Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey (1991). USA: Movie Reviews 4. Available from [accessed 24 April 2016].

Sarah Wallis (2014) The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Science Fiction, Double Feature) – Opening Sequence Remake. Available from [accessed 24 April 2016]

Wikia (2016) Grim Render.png. USA: Wikia. Available from [accessed 24 April 2016]