Month April 2016

Roy The Reapers Guide To A Comfortable Everlasting Sleep.

This new title, I hope, makes you think of a self-help book. That is the show, Roy is the therapist and I am the anxiety ridden patient. This idea came from the last rehearsal I had with Martin, who expressed… Continue Reading →


I mentioned a few blogs ago that I am inspired by the way Victoria Melody presented herself in the show Hair Peace, I was so impressed with the way that her scripted words felt and came across as totally improvised…. Continue Reading →

Roy The Reaper.

    (Wikia, 2016)    (Movie Reviews 4, 2009)  (John is a Movie Addict, 2007) The Grim Reaper is seen as a supernatural presence lurking over us and waiting for our fate. What the Grim Reaper really is, is a personification… Continue Reading →

Mum and Dad’s memory.

Five minutes of my parents talking about an illness I went through, and realising that I didn’t remember/know half of what they were saying has solidified the naivety of the first section of my show. I would love to show the… Continue Reading →

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