Month February 2016

Joyce’s Newspaper Article.

This is the article written about Joyce Vincent in the Sun in 2006. What is striking about the article is there is next to no information about Joyce herself, there is mention of a photo of her on holiday, which they used… Continue Reading →


Today I watched Dreams of a Life, a film I had watched a few years ago (it came out in 2011), I forgot how haunting and sad it is.  It is a Documentary/Re-enactment Directed by Carol Morley. Morley saw the story about… Continue Reading →

Art or Recycling?

Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain. With the idea I had to pretend that objects are different things, I have been researching Avant-Garde pieces for inspiration. One that kept coming up for me was Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain, this led me to want to discuss perceptions of… Continue Reading →


  Usually I get the comedic part, and so I had made a conscious decision to go for more serious roles as an actor, and when coming to Solo I thought I would try and go into a more experimental… Continue Reading →

Opening up.

Over the last two lessons we have been doing a lot of exercises revolving around revelation and opening up. I understand what the exercises were trying to do, but I realised that I struggle to open up about myself, I had even… Continue Reading →

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